
M.Y. Emelina

Emelina - YL3L8396

M.Y. Emelina

Emelina - YL3L8564

M.Y. Emelina

M.Y. Emelina

Hull F.70 – M/Y EMELINA – mt 51

On Saturday, July 5, 2008, from the slipway of the shipyards Codecasa in Viareggio a new 51 metres, series CODECASA 51, has been launched: m.y. “EMELINA” (hull F 70).
This new steel and aluminium specimen, naval architect Codecasa, goes back to the Codecasa standard classic lines, even if with a few distinctive points requested by the Owners of the boat. “EMELINA” celebrates the bright white with softer and more classic external lines. Her layout has a novelty comparing this boat with the previous Codecasa builds: the realization on the bulkhead of a foldable Sea Balcony giving directly onto the sea from the Owner’s Suite, a real optional which immediately caught the interest of the Codecasa potential Clients and which will probably be the first of a long series… (Continue)

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